Anime is hand-drawn computer animation originating from Japan. In Japanese, anime, a term derived from the English word animation, describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin.
If you are even a little bit engaged in pop culture you must have came across someone who is immersed…
If you have been an otaku in the first half of the last decade you must know the struggle of…
Anime is general parlance means the Japanese style of comic and animation. The style is widely popular for it storytelling…
The category of anime is a divide on the basis of the target demographic of the anime. While shonen anime…
Ecchi anime is a genre of Japanese manga and anime which contains content of playful, light sexual imagery. They originated…
If you are someone who has watched all of Disney and Pixar animated collection and exploring the animated movies or…
If you are even a little bit familiar with pop culture, you must have come across the question of who…
Unlike any other mode of storytelling impact of the anime is very direct. The combination of great background music with…
Sports bring out the best of the emotions of humans. Everybody loves the story of the underdog overcoming its challenge…
Everyone likes a badass character in the story. It can be a character who can beat a villain in a…